Nbiosfera del rio platano pdf merger

The 815,000hectare reserve is the largest protected area in honduras and part of the. The site covers the whole watershed of the rio platano area from the caribbean coastline to the mountains. Education for conservation and sustainabilityrio platano. A management and development was designed in 1980 and implemented in 1987 by the department of natural renewable resources. Palacios also has a museum covering the archaeology and anthropology of the area. Central american travel to rio platano honduras is not cheap or easy, but it is well worth the journey. Reserve your spot today and pay when youre ready for thousands of tours on viator. The airlines fly into palacio, a ladino or spanish speaker town with a nice wooden hotel and a small neat cafeteria. Background ocated in northeast honduras, and covering an area of over 800,000 hectares almost 7% of the whole country the rio platano biosphere is the largest protected area in honduras, and one of the most significant areas of the mesoamerican biological.

In 1960, the honduran government created the ciudad blanca archaeological reserve c. It is also inscribed on the world heritage list because of its biophysical, as well as cultural and historical characteristics. With expedia, its simple to choose your dates and preferred vehicle, and your personal ride guaranteed before you know it. Rio platano honduras rio platano biosphere reserve.

Its time to go shopping for a set of sunglasses for your drive and choose a hotel in the heart of rio platano biosphere reserve. Illegal logging in the rio platano biosphere a farce in three acts 5 2. The best rio platano biosphere reserve reserva biosfera. Searching for the ideal rental car in rio platano biosphere reserve is a piece of cake. A vast, unspoiled and untamed wilderness, its home to extraordinary animal life, including a number of endangered species. Hch turismo biosfera del rio platano 03 10 2015 youtube. Many people when they visit the rio platano, miss meeting the miskitos. To get to the heart of the rio platano biosphere reserve, take a fivehour boat ride into las marias from rais ta. The forested valley and its coastal plain contain a. 000 hectareas casi el 7% de la superficie total del pais, la biosfera del rio platano es el area protegida de mayor extension de honduras y una de las. From there, you must make your way along the mosquito coast by boat or plane to rais ta. The rio platano biosphere reserve is located in northeastern honduras in the mosquitia region of the country, covering 350,000 hectares 1,351 square miles of land as the largest protected area in all of honduras.